Convictions for this offense can carry serious penalties, so it’s critical for you to contact a knowledgeable DUI defense attorney as soon as possible to safeguard your future. With three decades of criminal defense experience, Jeffrey B. Hayden, Attorney at Law is a highly-esteemed legal professional who can fight aggressively and effectively to ensure you receive the best possible outcome.

Being Charged With a Drug or Marijuana DUI
When law enforcement officers pull over a driver under suspicion that the driver is under the the influence of alcohol, a simple blood-alcohol level (BAC) test can be used to determine the level of intoxication. In contrast, chemical testing for drugs such as marijuana or other illegal or controlled substances tend to be unreliable. It is much more difficult for law enforcement to measure your intoxication level—or even if you are under the influence of drugs at all. Instead, other evidence can be gathered by the investigating officer to prove intoxication, such as your erratic driving, slurred speech, dilated pupils, possession of drugs in your car or on your person, and your general behavior. Because many of these measurements are subjective, a skilled criminal defense attorney can fight back against these charges and request that they be dropped.
Time-Tested DUI Defense Strategies
Since DUI cases involving marijuana or other drugs tend to be much more difficult to prosecute than those involving alcohol, your criminal defense attorney will take an aggressive stance to have these charges dropped. Jeffrey B. Hayden, Attorney at Law has dedicated his legal career to the field of criminal defense, so he has a deep understanding of every aspect of the process. In fact, other lawyers often turn to him for guidance, as they recognize his position as one of the highest-rated attorneys in Northern California. If you or someone you love is currently facing a drug or marijuana DUI charge in the Bay Area, call our office immediately to get started with a top-notch attorney who will aggressively defend your rights.