If you are pulled over and it’s determined that you are under the influence of alcohol, you will likely face serious consequences, including steep fines, possible jail time, the suspension of your driver’s license, and more. However, there are many legal strategies for fighting back against a DUI charge, especially if you and your attorney can point to potential violations of your rights. To ensure that you have a good shot at having your DUI charges reduced or dropped altogether, reach out to Jeffrey B. Hayden, Attorney at Law as soon as possible.

Significant Penalties for DUI Offenses
If the arresting officer determines that you have been driving with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher, this is grounds to charge you with a DUI. Of course, there are also instances where an officer can make an arrest for those with a BAC of under 0.08 percent. And, if you refuse to participate in chemical testing, California law allows the officer to still place you under arrest and to use your refusal as further evidence of your guilt. If convicted for a first-time DUI offense, you may face up to six months in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 (plus any court fees), a suspended driver’s license for one year, a period of probation, mandatory participation in a DUI education course, and you may be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) for a specified amount of time. Penalties grow more serious for second or third DUI offenses. Additionally, you will carry the DUI conviction on your criminal record, which may limit your employment and housing prospects.
Building a Strong DUI Defense
There are many legal strategies that criminal defense attorneys can use to have DUI charges reduced or dismissed. The first step is to examine the circumstances of how you were pulled over and the events that led to your arrest. If there were any violations of your rights, such as the arresting officer not having probable cause to pull you over, you can push to have the charges dismissed. You can also make the case that the testing itself was inaccurate, and that it produced false, vague, or misleading results. No matter what the specifics were surrounding your arrest, you can trust that Jeffrey B. Hayden, Attorney at Law will examine all of the details to build you the strongest possible defense. Consistently rated as one of the top 5 percent of Northern California lawyers by San Francisco Magazine, Mr. Hayden stands out as a distinguished and deeply respected attorney by both his clients and professional peers alike. Don’t delay a moment longer—contact our office right now to get the time-tested legal assistance you need.